Officer Spotlight: Deja Olumba, Station Manager
by Gwen Howerton
What was the first band or artist that solidified your love of music?
I think the first band I really fell in love with was Electric Light Orchestra. I can’t remember how exactly I came across their music- it honestly may have been NPR, as that was the tail end of my freak middle school NPR obsession. I remember getting Spotify on my ipad at age 12 so I could obsessively listen to their greatest hits album. I’ve unfortunately been a boomer since birth.
How did you first hear about KANM, and what made you want to join?
When I was a freshman in high school, I saw a watched a studio session of Unknown Mortal Orchestra on the KEXP YouTube channel, a Seattle-based indie and alternative radio station. The idea of being the interviewer present in the studio was amazing to me. After that I listened to their programming online all the time and decided it was my dream to go to Seattle and be one of their DJs. One of the DJs mentioned their time at college radio once, and I decided that at the very least I wanted to do that at whatever college I went to. I remember when I was a junior and considering attending TAMU, I went to the KANM website and saw that the “apply” tab said applications were closed. This was totally devastating for some bizarre reason; I couldn’t have applied at the time. When I actually became a student, I looked for KANM at my first MSC open house and the rest is history.
What is your favorite memory from your time in KANM?
I’m going to break the rules and say my two favorite memories. The first was going out to dinner for the first time with some of the other KANM members after one of my first meetings and being so excited and relieved that there was a group of people I felt I could truly fit in with. After going to fish camp and putting on the friendly façade I feel a lot of people put on to make their first friends freshman year, I was anxious I would never find a space like this. I’m glad I did.
My second favorite memory was this past semester; seeing all of the new members at new member training for the first time was absolutely nuts. It was the most new members I think we’ve had since I joined KANM, and I was (and still am) so excited about our trajectory as an org!
Do you have a show? If so, what’s your favorite part about doing a show?
My show is called Deja’s Dreamscape, and I do dream interpretations and tarot readings on my show! I wouldn’t claim to be an expert in either, but I think both are a lot of fun. My favorite part of doing shows is having on guests and getting to have a great conversation with them during the show. Tune in Wednesdays at 5 if you’d like to hear it for yourself ;)
Who are your favorite artists right now?
Currently, some of my favorite artists are Cocteau Twins, Joni Mitchell, Bladee, Steely Dan, and Kanye West.
What other extracurriculars are you involved in here at A&M?
Nothing at the moment. I’m considering joining the Aggie Speleological Society next semester.
What’s your major, and what are your plans for after graduation?
I’m a Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences major and horticulture minor. Right now, my plans after graduation are to find a job (hopefully). My ideal job would be with the federal government because they’re fairly cushy and secure. The National Parks Service would be nice; the parks are so pretty and the uniforms have drip.
Check out some of Deja's favorite tracks:
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