Travel Tuesday: Babymetal in Japan
This summer I had the opportunity to travel to the amazing country of Japan, where I was lucky enough to score tickets to see Babymetal live in concert. Babymetal is a Japanese 3-piece girl’s metal idol band accompanied by a backing band called Kami Band. Their songs range from being about the desire to eat chocolate to the huge bullying problem in society (Japan). These girls have become internationally famous since getting noticed on YouTube. They have opened for bands such as Metallica, Slayer, Dragon Force, Avenged Sevenfold, Megadeath, and a few others. I started my journey on June 21st at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. Currently in a foreign country and unaware of where I was going I became a tad nervous. I had to leave early and catch a train and travel to another prefecture on my own; which turned out alright. I made it to my destination (or at least near it, I walked around aimlessly for a reallylong time trying to find the venue and where to enter) and was welcomed by an enormous merch line, in which I had to stand in in order to enter ticket area. (I see what you did there, Japan, nice marketing tactic… making people stand in line for t-shirts, posters, and other cool items to buy right before entering the arena). I stood in line for maybe an hour or so and bought two cool t-shirts that I can’t get back here in America. I then made my way to the “holding area” where everyone had to line up by the letters on their tickets. In Japan, 9 times out of 10 you have no idea where you will be standing and or sitting when you buy your ticket to a concert, especially if it is for such a huge artist. I won my tickets on an auction site and when I got to the show was surprised with a section B mark, meaning I walked in right after all the Fan Club ticket holders. The venue was huge and there were tons of people there. Once the show started I was reminded I was in Japan because of the video being played to welcome the girls out. Once these girls took the stage, the crowd lost their minds. The first song they played was "Babymetal Death," the first track off their album, and people started shoving forward closer to the stage. They played their entire album, and the whole night was filled with intense moshing and dancing, heavy riffs and screams, and, of course, a Wall of Death. This honestly shocked me! The fact that 3 young girls could get a whole arena to split down the middle and perform one giant Wall of Death is mind blowing. I give huge props to these youngsters. They put their whole soul into that show and made having to go home with one shoe all the more worth it. - Alejandro Lopez
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