Dangerous Woman may be the apex of Ariana Grande’s career
With Focus being a disappointing attempt at a single, Arianators were left wanting more of that smooth R&B gospel influence that Grande was known for. She was quick to release Dangerous Woman, the title track to her new album, as quickly as she could to comfort fans who were anxious for more. Suffice to say, her next album would deliver. Dangerous Woman (2016) answers the call in an explosive way, covering all sorts of genres that Ariana Grande takes influence. This album hosts the impressive vocal timbre Grande is known for and eradicates any shadow of a doubt towards her singing ability. Frolicking between the tracklist reveals remanence of Jazz, 90s House, Gospel, Disco, and of course, Pop. Incredibly enough, Grande adds enough of her own self into each of these uniquely refined tracks to create a sound that is refreshing yet catchy. This hybridization of pop with unconventional genres is something only Ariana Grande could pull off. A dangerous move, by a dangerous woman. From the very start, Moonlight draws in a familiar airy tone fans have heard before. Ariana’s swooning vocals and the melodic plucking of the strings sets up the album perfectly. However, this easy-going vocalisation doesn’t last long, because heading into Be Alright and Into You creates a fierceness that we haven’t seen from Grande since Break Free. Both Be Alright and Into You feature influences from the electronic genre, with the former drawing on the likes of 90s House that fits perfectly with Ariana’s punchy chorus. Her falsetto leaps into the higher register adding dazzle to her songs, especially in Thinking About You. Dangerous Woman shows us that Ariana Grande is eccentric with her confidence. A one-word summation of this album would be ‘mature’. Grande proves again and again that she isn’t a preppy Nickelodeon star anymore, but a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. With the many advances and dabblings into these genres, Grande still doesn’t shine brightly in the lyrical department, which unfortunately steers the could be “outlandish hits” towards watered down pop. Often lines are filled with bromidic phrases that turn ears astray. However, this musical scrapbook is extremely fine crafted in every other department and combines every talent that Ariana Grande possesses. The colossal production of this record is established by the grandiose scale in each song. In a surprising yet familiar aura, Dangerous Woman may be the pinnacle of Grande’s career. -Phillip Dupree
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