Drake takes Houston
“Why you gotta fight with me at cheesecake you know I love to go there-” After seeing Drake live in Houston (his home away from home as he addressed by making the crowd aware that he had a tattoo on his shoulder of the city name) on September 4th I walked away an even bigger fan. Not only was the overall performance an embodiment of the fun and high energy bundle of dance moves that is Drake, but the stage graphics and lighting were also something quite notable. Dangling from the ceiling were large globes that moved like ocean waves and changed colors to match the tone of each song Drake sang, and of course casting a pink glow around all of the Toyota Center during his hit single “Hotline Bling”. Now if you personally went, or know anyone who went to see Drake live in Houston for the Saturday performance, there might be a little bit of a jaded feeling. Why? Well during his Sunday performance, Drake took a pause during the latter end of his concert to acknowledge his humble beginnings in the rap scene. For those who don’t know, Drake got his start at a hotel in Houston when rapper Lil’ Wayne called him up one day and offered to help him out, and as he finished telling that very story, from underneath the stage, up rose the man himself, fellow rap icon, Lil’ Wayne. Wayne performed two of his most popular songs including “A Milli," mentioned briefly a beef he has been having with record label, Cash Money, then as majestically and sudden as he came onto the stage, holding his cup of lean high in the air, floated back down to the underground of the stage sitting criss-cross on the platform that lowered him. Overall it was truly a star-studded and energy packed show that was well worth the money. And lastly, as October quickly approaches, happy OVO season everyone! * photo courtesy of Google images -Kirsten Jacobson
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