Forever Today Interview
Forever Today Interview
Andrea: A couple of us grew up here, and all just met through musical means. Jared and I started playing at a church together and that’s kind of how we hooked up. Evan had a home studio and found us that way, and then we found Kyle on craigslist. Jamie actually works at a music school with me so we found him the most recently.
Evan: Oh man, a lot, from not good to good. Technically it was all our ‘real’ first band so everything was simple, and now everything is getting deeper.
Andrea: We were all really young too. I think we were like 19/20 when we really started playing so it was very high school and what was popular back then.
Jared: Paramore covers. Very single layered.
Evan: I feel like we followed someone and know we are kind of making our own stuff as we go.
Andrea: We’ve gotten more progressive, more melodic.
Evan: We are for sure getting trippier.
Evan: Oh we’ll fight over this one.
Andrea: We all have a ton of different inspirations. Mine are like everything from 40’s jazz to Led Zeppelin to current artists, different progressive iconic musicians.
Kyle: A lot of weird punk bands like Citizens.
Jared: Me and Kyle are pretty much on the same page.
Evan: I’ve listened to the same CD for like six years over and over.
Andrea: Jamie really likes John Mayer; he’s kind of influenced by some bluesy style stuff. We all have different styles. I think that’s what makes it interesting for us to come together and create music.
Jared: My favorite is definitely our CD release.
Andrea: That was probably the best we’ve ever played.
Jared: It was at the Grand Stafford Theater in Downtown Bryan so it was like our hometown big show. We had a big crowd, and we thought it was a really good show.
Andrea: HUGE crowd, a lot of support. Sold a lot of merch. It was legendary.
Jared: It was the kickoff of our tour too.
Andrea: Just good vibes that whole night and we played really well.
Andrea: It’s from one of the song titles. Totally came up with that before the Netflix series.
Evan: It actually wasn’t supposed to be Stranger Things.
Andrea: It was supposed to be titled after a different track that we ended up changing the name to.
Evan: ‘Cause there’s another group out of Austin called Forever Starts Today and then their EP was We’ll Come Alive, and this was after us, which was Forever Today We Come Alive.
Andrea: It was super bizarre.
Andrea: We have older stuff, but we don’t really display those anywhere. We do have some other songs [than our EP] but the only way to hear those is to come to a show. We are currently working on an album.
Evan: We have a lot of new material.
Jared: We are recording our first full-length album in January up in Dallas. We’ll have a couple of songs from our old EP and the rest will be all new material.
Andrea: A couple of them are old, but just never got recorded.
Andrea: I always liked ‘forever’ just the openness of it. We just wanted something clean and not too hard to remember. Something not too complicated and so then Forever Today was just like this constant, like ‘always.’ I don’t know, there isn’t a specific meaning or cool story or anything. It was just kind of like “You guys like the name?” “Yeah.” It looks cool on paper and it’s easy to say and even some people still get it wrong. Forever Tomorrow, we’ve been called that on tour. We’ve gotten a couple of intros that were wrong and we’ll just be like “Forever Today, that’s us!”
Evan: Yeah the band Forever Starts Today, we’ll book sometimes in Austin and they’ll put their name down for us. I mean we’ll take their people –
Andrea: Yeah, we’ll take their fans.
Evan: - but I’ve messaged [the venues] before and they’re like “Oh well we’ve already promoted them.”
Andrea: And we just have to get on stage knowing that we are going to disappoint a lot of people. [Forever Tomorrow] is very pop punk and I’d like to think that’s a big difference from us. Everyone pretty much expects us to be pop punk when we get on stage.
Kyle: 70’s or 60’s.
Andrea: I think I would have to go with 40’s, ‘cause I like the jazz era, big band. But then again I would also pick 60’s.
Jared: I would go with 90’s.
Kyle: That’d be cool too.
Evan: Anything but the 80’s.
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