MTV Catfish! Mike Esposito
What would you say, if I were to tell you that you had a chance of being on TV... (Well, not just TV but to be on MTV). You’d think I was crazy right? Well, you thought wrong because we just got off the phone with Casting Director Mike Esposito for MTV’s Catfish and he just told us that the chances of making it in the show are higher than ever!! Here’s what he said!
Luis: So tell me a little bit about your role on the show.
Mike: I’m the Casting Director for Catfish and basically I oversee the stories that get put on air.
Luis: Nice! How long have you been working on Catfish?
Mike: I’ve been here since Season 2 all the way up to Season 5.
Luis: So in terms of filming the show, do you guys precast all of the stories before and then go through the city to city covering each story, OR do you guys actually just go day by day and randomly pick a story every time you guys get done with one?
Mike: Well, people apply for our show and then my producers read through the applications and then we reach out to the people that fit with what our show does and at that point we begin the casting process. But the one thing is, is that Max and Nev know nothing about the stories until they begin filming.
Luis: That makes it interesting and fun I bet!
Mike: Yeah what you guys see on TV is in real time, like they’re not allowed in our offices, they really don’t get to see anything until we begin filming and even then they’re just presented with their “next case” which they have to solve and then go from there.
Luis: Hey, so I hear you guys are looking for college students now?
Mike: Yes! We’ve actually always looked at the college demo, but it’s hard since college students are busy with school and even sometimes work but the truth is that there are people in college going through Catfish situations, whether they’re talking to people online or they’re catfishing someone at the campus, so we always try to dip into that pool of people to see if we can help someone.
Luis: So how would it work if someone were to want to apply to the show, is it fairly easy?
Mike: Yes! It’s very easy you just go to and you fill out the information, hit enter, and that application immediately gets emailed to our producers and someone jumps right on and will read it. We definitely read every application and we try to call everyone.
Luis: Great! So no one shouldn't be afraid to apply because they may not get a chance to be heard!
Mike: Yup! However, we do receive a lot of applicants under the age of 18, and although we would love to help them, there’s certain rules and laws that prevent us from doing so. Other than that anyone that feels that they would be a great fit for the show should apply!
So as you can see, you’ll definitely have a 100% running chance if you do apply! So if you have maybe the smallest clue that you’re currently being catfished go ahead and apply now!
Good Luck!
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