Hey Michael, Vsauce Here
Famous Youtuber and creator of Vsauce and Mind Field, Michael Stevens, has been up to a little bit more than asking weird questions on the internet lately. Partnered with Adam Savage - former MythBuster and one of our favorite TV Science guys, the other being Bill Nye obviously, Michael Stevens has been touring the U.S. as part of their live science show, Brain Candy Live. We (Erin O’Hara and Elias Sanchez) had the pleasure of speaking with Michael himself last Tuesday, March 21st, 2017, about the show, as well as other fun topics. Brain Candy Live works to break the barriers of TV and computer screens between our favorite intellectual content creators and us, the audience (or the collective “Vsauce” as Michael would say). Videos like Is Anything Real? And How Much Does The Internet Weigh? Are great to binge at 3:00 am of course, but with Brain Candy Live, we will be able to bring those late night curiosities to life at the more reasonable hour of 7:00 pm. Being able to see, touch, smell and even taste the scientific wonders the world around us holds, face to face with Adam Savage and Michael Stevens at their show in Austin this coming Saturday is going to be a mind blowing experience. One that we don’t believe anyone has seen the likes of before. Now back to the thing we have been freaking out about for the past 48+ hours, our phone interview with Michael Stevens. We’ll be honest, we were a little disappointed when he didn’t answer the phone with his famous tagline, “Hey Vsauce, Michael here!”, but our in depth conversation about his favorite music at the moment (this is a radio station after all), which was of course Vaporwave, space turtles, and what to expect at Brain Candy Live helped us get over that very quickly. The full 12 minute interview can be heard in the audio file below: [audio wav="http://kanm.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Michael-Stevens-InterviewEdit.wav"][/audio] Interviews: Erin O'Hara and Elias Sanchez Written by Erin O'Hara
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