Mondo - Austin, Texas
I love music, and I love OG movies. When it comes to the classics, many movies have incredible soundtracks that were rarely released on vinyl. We have seen a resurgence in the vinyl market, and that is way cool, which means that more movie soundtracks are also being released. I’m a huge fan of Mondo. Mondo is a company based in Austin that makes a lot of cool movie memorabilia like records, pins, t-shirts, and art. They have released merchandise from some of the most popular franchises like Jurassic Park, Jaws, DC Comics, and even cult classics like Pet Semetary. Their pin game is also strong, with many of their pins selling out way too fast. They also have Mondo Con which takes place every fall in Austin, and thousands of people go to make sure they can snag their exclusives. With Mondo releasing dope merch that also means that people buy them hoping they can make a profit off them, and that is probably the biggest problem with Mondo Records. I have tried WAY too many times to buy some of their records and they are gone in less than 30 seconds…only to see them on eBay for 2-3x the original price. I will admit I have paid reseller prices for some soundtracks, but it’s disgusting to see how many Mondo merch pops up on eBay right after the items sell out. When it comes to competing against other companies, we have Death Waltz Records who also release soundtracks often, and of course the more mainstream labels that release non-limited soundtracks of popular movies and shows like Stranger Things, but Mondo takes the cake when it comes to their products…they really kill it. Since they are also part of the Alamo Drafthouse family, they also make a lot of products for their screenings, and those limited edition products sell out fast… If you have a chance, I would keep an eye out for their next gallery in Austin, as they usually sell most of their soundtracks and lithos there before the general public gets an opportunity, so that way you won’t have to battle the bots and scalpers. Written by: Jorge Ramos
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