Gorillaz is Back from Obscurity
Anyone who is obsessed with Gorillaz will recognize this image. This was the image Gorillaz artist, Jamie Hewlet, uploaded nearly two years ago out of the blue, and amid a flurry of fans comments confirmed the band would return. Gorillaz left us back in 2010 after releasing Plastic Beach in March, then releasing a special non studio album on Christmas day that same year. After those releases Gorillaz bass player Murdoc Niccals hosted a radio show sponsored by Spotify to celebrate the bands 10th birthday, and it was during this radio show that it was revealed the band did not now if they would release another album. Well as we now know Gorillaz will be releasing a new album on April 28th which they have titled HUMANZ. Gorillaz announced this news on March 23rd alongside 4 brand spanking new singles, two of them being exclusively broadcast on BBC Radio 1. The two that were broadcast are titled Saturnz Barz and Andromeda, and two more were silently released on streaming platforms titled We Got The Power and Ascension. Of these 4 singles it was Saturnz Barz that was chosen to be given a full length animated music video (although if you listen the other 3 singles are featured in parts of the video). This new really reflects Gorillaz evolving art style and is just plain fun to watch, because who would not want to see an animated slice of pizza delivering a raggae rap verse while terrorizing 2-D? Now I would like to get into more detail about the singles as well as rank them by how much I liked them personally: Staturnz Barz – My personal favorite of the bunch, it features Jamaican Dj and songwriter Popcaan who lays down a catchy and eerily autotuned rap verse for the first half of the song, before 2-D takes the second half, turning a fast paced reggae song into a melancholy self-reflection of whatever character he is singing about. The strange almost trap like is immensely enjoyable being paired with two completely different types of verses gives this single the top spot for me 2. Andromeda - Coming in at second place is what I am sure will be played in clubs all over the UK and US and that is Andromeda. This one features a beat that would not be misplaced in the EDM genre, with pleasurably simple lyrics that sound fantastic, 2-Ds calm voice singing over a driving electronic beat. This song is definitely made to be mainstream and it did not miss the mark at all. 3. Ascension – This track feature Vince Staples who is a Californian rapper who had close ties to odd future. Now this is a fast paced track that Vince staples dominates, in fact 2-D only has one verse on this song. The song as whole is also a commentary on the current climate in which black people exist. With lyrics like “I'm just playing, baby, this the land of the free Where you can get a Glock and a gram for the cheap Where you can live your dreams long as you don't look like me” It is easy to tell that this song has a message it is dying to get out, and I feel like it does that very well. The song also mention “the sky is falling” which could be a reference to the end of the world based on how things are going. This song takes third place for me though not because of the lyrics but because the beat is chaotic and hard to follow, which could be the entire point, but it just wasn’t as pleasurable a listen as compared to the others. 4. We got the Power – This is a song about being, you guessed it, powerful. The lyrics describe having the power to be able to overcome difficulties in life and still having the ability to be kind to each other and treat everyone as humanz. This track features Noel Gallagher & Jehnny Beth, doing vocals alongside 2-D the entire time. While the message of the song is good, I cant really say I am in love with it. Most of music is string chords with bells and the like, never a strong backup to the vocals, and speaking of the vocals, while I love each of the voices separately when they are all kind of yelling the lyrics together I can never really close my eyes and just enjoy the song. If you disagree with my ranking that’s totally okay! In fact I would love to hear what you all think about the new singles and no matter what it is an exciting time to be a Gorillaz fan! Written by: Logan Owens
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