Bad Suns Live
There is nothing quite like a Bad Suns show. They have a way of electrifying the air, getting the crowd to move, and making everything else disappear (here). The band isn’t afraid to interact with the crowd, both feeding off the energy of the other. (Source: Sierra Brown) The setlist for this tour was the perfect mix of old and new- enough songs from the first album to please the purists but enough from their newer album to stay fresh. There was never a dull moment or a time when I didn’t feel like dancing, and everyone around me seemed to feel the same way. We all had this incredible bond as the music brought us together. I spent most of the concert perched on a raised platform, alternating between taking pictures and dancing with a couple of other girls. It took maybe half of a song for us to really get in our grove, and we got super groovy. I think the best part of seeing Bad Suns live is the energy you can feel in the crowd. The atmosphere is invigorating, equal parts cathartic and inspiring. My favorite song they played was “We Move Like the Ocean.” It’s an older song, but nothing tops singing “but I can’t swim… ANYMORE” at the top of your lungs. A close second is “Swimming in the Moonlight.” I’m pretty sure I went through every stage of a relationship, from crushing to being together to the breakup, all within their set. It was a rollercoaster of emotion, but there wasn’t a single person in the crowd who wasn’t right there with me. (Source: Sierra Brown) The guys in the band looked like they were having just as much fun as the crowd. Christo played as well as he danced, never once losing control of his guitar or vocals. It was incredible how much he moved while managing to keep singing and playing. Gavin and Ray flanked him. While they weren’t as involved with the crowd, they still looked like they were having the time of their lives. Drummers often get hidden behind the rest of the band at concerts, but there was an actual spotlight shining on Miles for a huge part of the show. It was refreshing to see the drummer being featured so prominently, and it really added to the concert. (Source: Sierra Brown) As far as the technical aspects of the show go, I was really impressed. The sound mix was incredibly well done. The music was loud enough to surround me, but not overpowering. Nothing was lost to overworked speakers, instead every note sounded crisp and clean. The lighting was also great. I mentioned how I could actually see Miles, which I really loved, but it also was interesting without being distracting. I could clearly see the band, it changed up with different songs to match the feeling of the music, and most importantly, it was bright. It was a photography dream- I could get lots of different shots with different effects, and I could clearly see the band the entire time. My love for Bad Suns runs deep. If you haven’t listened to them, go do that. If you ever get the chance to see them live, take it. (Source: Sierra Brown) Want to learn more and keep up with them? Check them out on social media! Twitter: @badsuns Instagram: @badsuns Facebook: Spotify:
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