Bringing Music to Their Fans and Hopefully Whataburger to Canada
(Photo by Kirsten Jacobson) A young band from Toronto, PUP, is everything down to earth and fun. Originally named ‘Topanga’, the group formed around five years ago after each member had previously played in, well, less than great bands. The quartet found each other nonetheless and has been writing songs in a fashion they themselves call neurotic ever since. Having had the chance myself to see PUP perform their set at ‘Shaky Knees’, it’s clear that their fans have fully embraced what the band has to offer- music that you can lose yourself in. Almost the entire crowd at the show chose to stand as close to the stage as possible rather than sit in the concrete bleachers behind them, there were drinks flying in the air and an energetic mosh pit starting with the first note and ending with the last in their set. Personally, my favorite part of attending a live music performance (besides the music itself clearly) is seeing the reactions of the people in the crowd. No matter how obscure or well known the band, there is at least one person there, screaming every single word to every single song, almost having their own personal echo to the band as they scream their truths into the nights abyss. Seeing the reaction to each of their songs be so loud, so full of life and exhilaration in the crowd, I was very interested in knowing what their song writing process entailed and later got the response from the band that, “…it’s a stressful, mental exercise and it takes patience… It’s really not a PUP record until we all hate each other” said band members. Between traveling to shows the band expressed their very relaxed preferences of rejuvenating, including nature hikes. This activity in particular stood out in my mind from the ones they mentioned because lead singer Stefan so casually mentioned, that once he and his good friend Jeff Rosestock went on a hike once in which he tripped and landed hands first into cactus. Not only did I have to pretend it wasn’t crazy impressive that he was still able and willing to play his show that night with swollen, cacti-filled hands, but also that one of his casual hiking pals is Jeff Rosenstock, as in the Jeff Rosenstock I listen to on the way to class, on a run, driving, pooping, literally at any time, ya, casual, nbd. This band is everything humble and personable. When asked what their favorite and least favorite things about being on tour were, the answer to both was fast food, in particular Whataburger. In fact, they recently had communication back and fourth with Whataburger on Twitter (you should go check it out, the exchange is pretty entertaining, @puptheband). You heard it here first, “the scoop” as the band put it, is that PUP wants to be the official Whataburger representative and even try to get the very first Whataburger to Canada, so if it happens, this will be the biggest breaking news KANM reporting has had in nearly… any years. Kidding aside, it’s easy to see why fans love PUP and their music. “We’re not really making enough money to do it if we’re not having fun so as long as we’re having fun we’re in it” said the band. These guys simply want to write what’s inside them, what they observe around them, and shout it out to the world, having fun and sharing the life experience with their fans, and that, in my opinion, is what music has always really been about. Written by: Kirsten Jacobson
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